Your Kids will be out of the house in a blink of an eye.
I know it may not feel like that now - but as the mother of three adult children I know its true

For the last 15 years, I’ve been interviewing my kids on their birthdays. (My youngest was 10 when I started and he’s now 25.)
Everyone says “kids say the darndest things.” If you have kids, you probably know they also say things that get right to the heart of who they are. They are authentically themselves when they are young but then other’s thoughts and beliefs imprint on them.
By the time girls are 13, they start censoring themselves. Ask a group of 13-year-olds if they want pizza or not. The boys’ hands will shoot up while the girls look at each other and say 'thanks, but we're not hungry.' Really?
These Birthday Interviews are intimate, uncensored time capsules of your child at one-year increments with the goal of capturing their authentic voice. Over time, you’ll see the changes. You’ll see how their insights and beliefs evolve.
I worked in television for years and was always surprised how quickly people who were being filmed forgot they were on camera. In that moment, they gave real, honest, and authentic answers. You can capture moments just like that with your child.
I’m writing a book on my method of doing these Birthday Interviews in a systematic, fun and easy way. And because I truly believe the best time to start is NOW, I’m sharing my Birthday Interview Questions.
Please grab the Birthday Questions and interview your kids this week if possible, and then going forward, every year on their birthday.
I promise, it will be one of your most treasured possessions.

Ps. Please let me know how your first interview goes and if you have any questions at my email bethany@bethanybunnell.com.